Navigating Success: Insights from Sam Glenister-Batey on Team Motivation, Leadership, and Achievements

In a recent episode of the “Dive Deep, Climb High” podcast with Mel Loizou, Sam Glenister-Batey, Head of Conferences and Events, shares valuable insights into team motivation, effective leadership, and the achievements that have marked the journey of their team. From winning the MIA List 2023 DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) award to the opening of Cloth Hall Court, Sam sheds light on the strategies that have contributed to their collaborative success.
Team Motivation and Effective Leadership
Sam emphasises the critical role of team motivation in achieving goals and highlights the importance of effective leadership in driving motivation. Drawing from personal experiences, he discusses the various methods employed to inspire and engage team members, fostering a positive and productive work environment. By recognising and valuing individual contributions, Sam highlights the impact of a motivated and cohesive team on overall success.
Adapting to Pandemic Challenges
Sam shares insights into the events industry’s response to the pandemic’s impact. While many events companies thrived post-pandemic, the academic sector faced slower recovery due to conference bookings scheduled years in advance. Roles were redeployed during the crisis, showcasing the versatility of skills, but replacements were delayed as traditional events didn’t resume immediately.
In the midst of this, an opportunity arose with the acquisition of Cloth Hall Court in March 2020, initially repurposed as a Nightingale Court. Within nine months, Sam and his team navigated challenges: developing processes, launching a new venue, and rebuilding a team depleted by the pandemic. All this occurred as Sam familiarised himself with the vast campus of over 300 meeting rooms— a testament to the teams’ resilience and creativity under Sam’s leadership.
Winning the DEI Award
The conversation delves into the team’s achievement of winning the DEI award, reflecting their commitment to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion. Sam shares the initiatives and practices implemented to make Conferences and Events more accessible.
Working Collaboratively and Hosting the UK Corporate Games
Throughout the episode, the theme of collaboration remains central – a core value of the University. Sam talks about the importance of open communication, shared goals, and a supportive work culture is evident in the various achievements and milestones discussed. An example of collaboration in action is discussed in when Sam talks about the UK Corporate Games, and how the team collaborated with Leeds City Council and services from across the University to win the bid.
Final Thoughts
Sam Glenister-Batey’s episode on “Dive Deep, Climb High” provides a captivating glimpse into the dynamics of effective leadership, team motivation, and the successful navigation of challenges. The podcast underscores the significance of collaboration and inclusivity in achieving outstanding results. Listeners gain valuable insights that can be applied to their own leadership journeys, making this episode a must-listen.
Listen to the full podcast